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  • Bergstein, P.D. (March 2013). Parent Seminar on Teens, Drugs, and Alcohol Use. Kaplen JCC on the Palisades, Tenafly, NJ

  • Bergstein, P.D. (May 2012). Disordered Eating or Eating Disorders?: A Seminar for Parents & Teens. Kaplen JCC on the Palisades, Tenafly, NJ

  • Bergstein, P.D (May 13, 2011) Glen Rock: Put bullying on notice. Panel discussion.

  • Davis, K. - P.D. Bergstein contributor (September 2010). Don't Blame Mom: Historical trend to point finger at parents for major diagnoses. The Parent Paper Vol 20, No. 5.

  • Bergstein, P.D. (Fall 2008). Common Ethical and Legal Challenges in Providing Psychotherapy to Children and Adolescents. New Jersey Psychologist , 58(4) 16-17.

  • Bergstein, P.D. (Spring 2008). Internet-Based Child Pornography – Legal and Ethical Implications for Psychologists Part III. New Jersey Psychologist , 58(2) 14-15.

  • Bergstein, P.D. (Winter 2008). Internet-Based Child Pornography – Legal and Ethical Implications for Psychologists Part II. New Jersey Psychologist , 58(1) 14-15.

  • Bergstein, P.D. (Fall 2007). Internet-Based Child Pornography – Legal and Ethical Implications for Psychologists Part I. New Jersey Psychologist , 57(4) 14-15.

  • Bergstein, P.D. (April, 2007) Clinical Case Study of a Self-Mutilating and Otherwise Self-Harming Patient.  Presentation made  at an Open House of the New York Institute for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology, NY, NY.

  • Bergstein, P.D. (February, 2007) Adolescence and Eating Disorders; What Every Parent Needs to Know. Presentation made to faculty of Northern Highlands High School, Allendale, NJ

  • Bergstein, P.D (September, 2006).  Creating a Separation Flight Plan for You and Your College Senior - For Actual and Potential Helicopter Parents. Presentation made to the school guidance department and parent body of Westwood Regional High School, Washington Township, NJ.

  • Bergstein, P. D. (2006, May 24). College Parenting Can Be A Long Ride. The North Jersey Suburbanite, p. 12.

  • Bergstein, P.D (May, 2006).  Creating a Separation Flight Plan for You and Your College Senior - For Actual and Potential Helicopter Parents. Presentation made to the school guidance department and parent body of Tenafly High School, Tenafly, NJ.

  • Bergstein, P.D (2006, March).  Adolescent Depression and Other Related Issues.  Presentation made to parent body of Glen Rock High School and Middle School, Glen Rock, NJ.

  • Bergstein, P.D. (2006, January, Vol3, No 5).  Challenges Facing Our Adolescents Today.  The Jewish Standard, About Our Children section, p. 21.

  • Bergstein, P.D. (2004, January). Teenage Sexuality.  Seminar provided to the parents of middle school students of The Dwight Englewood School, Englewood, NJ.

  • Bergstein, P.D.  (2003, March).  A case presentation on a self psychologically- informed approach to working with an anorectic patient.  Paper presented at the meeting of the New York Institute for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology, NY, NY.

  • Bergstein, P.D. (2003, March). Parenting Adolescents: How to Given Them Enough Rope But Keep Them From Hanging Themselves.  Workshop presented as part of the Christ Church Annual Lenten Series, Ridgewood, NJ.

  • Bergstein, P.D. (2002, May). How To Handle Difficult Situations With Your Child.  A workshop for parents provided at the Jewish Community Center on the Palisades, Tenafly, NJ.

  • Bergstein, P.D. (2002, November) Understanding Eating Disorders.  Seminar provided to the parents of the middle and upper students of The Dwight Englewood School, Englewood, NJ.

  • Bergstein, P.D. (2002, October) Understanding Eating Disorders.  Seminars provided to the middle and upper school student body at The Dwight Englewood School, Englewood, NJ.

  • Bergstein, P.D. (2001, April- May).  A Three Part Educational Workshop for Parents of Adolescents.  Seminars provided to the parents of students of the Middle School, Allendale, NJ.

  • Bergstein, P.D. (2000, June 25). Recognizing the Signs of Anorexia Nervosa [Letter to the editor]. The Sunday Record, p. RO-3.

  • Wiseman, C.; Bergstein, P.; Sunday, S.  & Halmi, K.  (2000)  Development and Validation of Scales to Measure Motivation in Eating Disorder Patients. Poster Presentation at the annual conference  of the Academy of Eating Disorders, New York, NY

  • Bergstein, P.D. (2000) Psychodynamic formulation with acknowledgment included within: 

  • Sperling, Michael B.; Sack, Amy; Field, Charles L. Psychodynamic Practice in a Managed Care Environment:  A Strategic Guide for Clinicians. Guilford Press, 2000

  • Smelson, D. A.; McGee-Caulfield, E..; Bergstein, P.; Englehart, C. (1999).

  • Initial validation of the Voris Cocaine Craving Scale: A preliminary report.  Journal of Clinical Psychology, 55(1) 135-139.

  • Bergstein, P.D. (2001, April- May).  Eating Disorders in Adolescence.  Seminar provided to the students of the Tenafly High School, Tenafly, NJ

  • Bergstein, Pauline D. (1998).  The Responsibility to Breach Patient Confidentiality: An Ethical and Legal Perspective. New Jersey Psychologists, Spring, 48(2), 14-16.

  • Bergstein, Pauline D.  (1998). A survey of New Jersey psychologists:  An effort to identify clinician-specific variables which contribute to attitudes and behaviors concerning patient confidentiality. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B:  The Sciences & Engineering, Vol 58(8-B).

  • Gibbs, M., Sigal, J., Bergstein, P., Blanchard, D. & Merino, M-J. (1996), A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Sexual Harassment, Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

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