Bergstein, P.D. (March 2013). Parent Seminar on Teens, Drugs, and Alcohol Use. Kaplen JCC on the Palisades, Tenafly, NJ
Bergstein, P.D. (May 2012). Disordered Eating or Eating Disorders?: A Seminar for Parents & Teens. Kaplen JCC on the Palisades, Tenafly, NJ
Bergstein, P.D (May 13, 2011) Glen Rock: Put bullying on notice. Panel discussion.
Davis, K. - P.D. Bergstein contributor (September 2010). Don't Blame Mom: Historical trend to point finger at parents for major diagnoses. The Parent Paper Vol 20, No. 5.
Bergstein, P.D. (Fall 2008). Common Ethical and Legal Challenges in Providing Psychotherapy to Children and Adolescents. New Jersey Psychologist , 58(4) 16-17.
Bergstein, P.D. (Spring 2008). Internet-Based Child Pornography – Legal and Ethical Implications for Psychologists Part III. New Jersey Psychologist , 58(2) 14-15.
Bergstein, P.D. (Winter 2008). Internet-Based Child Pornography – Legal and Ethical Implications for Psychologists Part II. New Jersey Psychologist , 58(1) 14-15.
Bergstein, P.D. (Fall 2007). Internet-Based Child Pornography – Legal and Ethical Implications for Psychologists Part I. New Jersey Psychologist , 57(4) 14-15.
Bergstein, P.D. (April, 2007) Clinical Case Study of a Self-Mutilating and Otherwise Self-Harming Patient. Presentation made at an Open House of the New York Institute for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology, NY, NY.
Bergstein, P.D. (February, 2007) Adolescence and Eating Disorders; What Every Parent Needs to Know. Presentation made to faculty of Northern Highlands High School, Allendale, NJ
Bergstein, P.D (September, 2006). Creating a Separation Flight Plan for You and Your College Senior - For Actual and Potential Helicopter Parents. Presentation made to the school guidance department and parent body of Westwood Regional High School, Washington Township, NJ.
Bergstein, P. D. (2006, May 24). College Parenting Can Be A Long Ride. The North Jersey Suburbanite, p. 12.
Bergstein, P.D (May, 2006). Creating a Separation Flight Plan for You and Your College Senior - For Actual and Potential Helicopter Parents. Presentation made to the school guidance department and parent body of Tenafly High School, Tenafly, NJ.
Bergstein, P.D (2006, March). Adolescent Depression and Other Related Issues. Presentation made to parent body of Glen Rock High School and Middle School, Glen Rock, NJ.
Bergstein, P.D. (2006, January, Vol3, No 5). Challenges Facing Our Adolescents Today. The Jewish Standard, About Our Children section, p. 21.
Bergstein, P.D. (2004, January). Teenage Sexuality. Seminar provided to the parents of middle school students of The Dwight Englewood School, Englewood, NJ.
Bergstein, P.D. (2003, March). A case presentation on a self psychologically- informed approach to working with an anorectic patient. Paper presented at the meeting of the New York Institute for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology, NY, NY.
Bergstein, P.D. (2003, March). Parenting Adolescents: How to Given Them Enough Rope But Keep Them From Hanging Themselves. Workshop presented as part of the Christ Church Annual Lenten Series, Ridgewood, NJ.
Bergstein, P.D. (2002, May). How To Handle Difficult Situations With Your Child. A workshop for parents provided at the Jewish Community Center on the Palisades, Tenafly, NJ.
Bergstein, P.D. (2002, November) Understanding Eating Disorders. Seminar provided to the parents of the middle and upper students of The Dwight Englewood School, Englewood, NJ.
Bergstein, P.D. (2002, October) Understanding Eating Disorders. Seminars provided to the middle and upper school student body at The Dwight Englewood School, Englewood, NJ.
Bergstein, P.D. (2001, April- May). A Three Part Educational Workshop for Parents of Adolescents. Seminars provided to the parents of students of the Middle School, Allendale, NJ.
Bergstein, P.D. (2000, June 25). Recognizing the Signs of Anorexia Nervosa [Letter to the editor]. The Sunday Record, p. RO-3.
Wiseman, C.; Bergstein, P.; Sunday, S. & Halmi, K. (2000) Development and Validation of Scales to Measure Motivation in Eating Disorder Patients. Poster Presentation at the annual conference of the Academy of Eating Disorders, New York, NY
Bergstein, P.D. (2000) Psychodynamic formulation with acknowledgment included within:
Sperling, Michael B.; Sack, Amy; Field, Charles L. Psychodynamic Practice in a Managed Care Environment: A Strategic Guide for Clinicians. Guilford Press, 2000
Smelson, D. A.; McGee-Caulfield, E..; Bergstein, P.; Englehart, C. (1999).
Initial validation of the Voris Cocaine Craving Scale: A preliminary report. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 55(1) 135-139.
Bergstein, P.D. (2001, April- May). Eating Disorders in Adolescence. Seminar provided to the students of the Tenafly High School, Tenafly, NJ
Bergstein, Pauline D. (1998). The Responsibility to Breach Patient Confidentiality: An Ethical and Legal Perspective. New Jersey Psychologists, Spring, 48(2), 14-16.
Bergstein, Pauline D. (1998). A survey of New Jersey psychologists: An effort to identify clinician-specific variables which contribute to attitudes and behaviors concerning patient confidentiality. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences & Engineering, Vol 58(8-B).
Gibbs, M., Sigal, J., Bergstein, P., Blanchard, D. & Merino, M-J. (1996), A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Sexual Harassment, Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.